Slowenien: Lipica, a cultural monument of European and international recognition, is located within an exceptional stony landscape, yet covered with low shrubbage, pine forests and vineyards. The Stud of Lipica lies close to the Italian Border, amidst an ample green oasis with avenues of old trees of 100 to 160 years of age. Here they raise the famous Lipizzaner for more than 400 years. The stud was founded in 1580 by the archduke Karl II. – Until 1918 it belonged to the courts of Vienna. Its history is woven with stories of emperors and sovereigns admiring the white stallions.
Today, Lipica is a recreational tourist centre, having more to offer than just the stud and its white beauties (already mentioned by the historian Valvasor in the 17th century); there are lots of different activities, but especially the presentation of classical horsemenship is an unforgettable impression.
Kobilarna Lipica,
Lipica 5, 6210 Sežana
Telefon: 00 386 5 7391580